A healthy society

We're determined to raise living standards throughout our value chain. Because when everyone prospers, we prosper.


Sharing prosperity more fairly

Low wages and lack of opportunity hold people back – and they undermine the drive for equity, diversity and inclusion. That has to change.

We’re ensuring everyone who directly provides us with goods and services will earn at least a living wage or living income. And we’re helping small and medium-sized enterprises in our value chain to grow with the support of skills, finance and technology.

Living wages and opening up opportunities help break the cycle of poverty. We're convinced they'll also unlock growth – as without a healthy society, we cannot be a healthy business.

We want to help improve people's living standards - Servicepartner Solutions

Raising living standards, sharing value fairly

We believe business can help tackle social inequality and drive the prosperity that will raise living standards worldwide.

But it needs to be done in a way that shares that prosperity more fairly. People deserve a fairer share of the value they help create. They deserve a living wage or income, and a decent standard of living. And as engines of growth, small and medium-sized enterprises deserve fair access to opportunities too.

Raising living standards is one of the most critical steps on the road to the world we want to see – a world where no one is left behind.

And it's a step that makes commercial sense – because more prosperous, more resilient societies are better places for a business like ours to thrive. Research shows that investing in living wages results in increased worker productivity and reduced turnover of workers, more resilient value chains and growth in consumer markets.

Better Impact. Better Results.™

Servicepartner Solutions drives the engagement and well-being of people, minimizes the impact on the environment, and protects and maintains property. Our products, systems and services help businesses grow profitability, boost efficiency and gain a competitive edge, freeing them to focus on their core business. We adapt to our customers' needs and ongoing transformation. Whichever industry, whichever place, we’re there to enhance your success.