Health, safety and security - Servicepartner Solutions

Health, safety and security

The safety and security of our people, and integrity of our operations, is our top priority. We believe that all accidents related to people, environment and assets can be prevented.

Our focus areas

In Servicepartner Solutions, we aim to continuously develop a proactive culture where safe and secure operation is incorporated into everything we do.


Our culture of being “Always safe” is guided by our commitment to prevent harm to people, to the environment and the communities we are a part of. We are an operator of many types of plants and sites, and hence face a range of potential risks.

A key component in this work is being long-term committed to a few main priority areas. We have defined companywide priorities to ensure harmonization and an aligned approach to our strategy.


The “Annual safety review” defines priority topics and associated actions to ensure a stronger common focus on main challenges.  In this year we will prioritize prevention of major accidents, personnel injuries, falling objects and negative health effects.


Learning and follow-up after incidents is key to enhance safety culture and working closely with our peers and suppliers is crucial to our overall performance.


The purpose of collaboration is to strengthen safety culture and work together towards zero major accidents and avoid injuries and undesirable incidents in our daily work.

Better Impact. Better Results.™

Servicepartner Solutions drives the engagement and well-being of people, minimizes the impact on the environment, and protects and maintains property. Our products, systems and services help businesses grow profitability, boost efficiency and gain a competitive edge, freeing them to focus on their core business. We adapt to our customers' needs and ongoing transformation. Whichever industry, whichever place, we’re there to enhance your success.